Southeast Florida 2045
Regional Transportation Plan

Cityfi worked with a consultant team to develop the Southeast Florida 2045 Regional Transportation Plan, a call to action to shift from the current transportation approach to create the return on investment and associated changes the region needs to support a growing population and advance the economy to compete at an international level.



Southeast Florida, one of the most populated urban areas in the country, is facing challenges in maintaining a transportation system to support a growing population, as well as increasing financial and social costs associated with congestion, lack of mobility access and impaired economic development.

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The Plan aims to create a shared, regional transportation system that best serves the needs of the entire Southeast Florida region by creating economic opportunity and improving quality of life.


Cityfi helped develop the regional transit plan (RTP) and website. To develop the plan, the team began with a review of the landscape of the Southeast Florida region, including population and transit accessibility and safety trends. Cityfi also conducted a survey of residents related to travel and priorities for transportation improvements, and used this foundational information to create a vision and goals for 2045 related to sustainability and quality of life.

In October 2020, the Metropolitan Planning Organization Board unanimously approved the 2045 RTP and its identified policies – creating a unified vision for connected mobility between Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.

Project Information

Client: Southeast Florida Transportation Council

Location: Florida

Partners: Kittelson & Associates, Cambridge Systematics, Inc., Foursquare ITP, Infinite Source Communications Group, Digital Brew