LADOT For-Hire Vehicle Study

Cityfi supported in the creation of the LADOT For-Hire Vehicle Study, which re-envisioned the future of taxis and paid transportation vehicles in an era of rapid adoption of new mobility, and a changing mobility paradigm in terms of how public and private mobility services co-exist.

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The lack of regulation surrounding the emergence of transportation network companies (TNC’s) like Uber and Lyft has reduced the profitability of taxis who are in direct competition, but are subject to greater regulations. In 2018, LADOT and the Board of Taxicab Commissioners sought to conduct a study on the state of the taxi industry in Los Angeles and on recommendations for bringing taxi and private transportation vehicle regulation into alignment with an evolving transportation landscape..

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The LADOT Taxi For-Hire Vehicle Study aims to create a comprehensive regulatory framework that should create a more equitable environment for the taxicab industry to compete and innovate (“leveling the playing field” between taxis and ridesharing companies such as Uber and Lyft), and should enhance the taxi user experience.


Cityfi had two main roles in the project. Cityfi’s first role was to engage with stakeholders via interviews (representatives from taxi companies, Uber, and Lyft) and focus groups. Cityfi’s second key role was to conduct a public outreach survey to understand customer needs and perceptions of the taxi industry.

The study culminated in a public report and presentation to the Taxicab Commission. In 2020, a second phase to implement the proposed regulatory framework was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Project Information

Client: Los Angeles Department of Transportation

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Partners: Sam Schwartz, Windels Marx, Dr. Susan Shaheen, Adam Cohen