Open for Business KC

Cityfi, in partnership with Street Smarts Design + Build, created the
Open for Business KC How-To Guide, a resource for Midtown KC Now and other community stakeholders in support of businesses who are considering reopening outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic while maintaining social distancing.

The guide included do-it-yourself instructions that are easy to build, install and use. In addition to these designs by Street Smarts, Cityfi included other references and resources to help Kansas City businesses get started.


In the guide, Cityfi outlined the registration process businesses can take to receive permits for outdoor dining, cafes and parklets. It also details the basic elements and materials needed for construction, along with DIY steps and approximate budgets. Cityfi also included resources from other cities and organizations who engage in outdoor business reopening efforts.

Project Information

Client: Midtown KC Now

Location: Kansas City, MO

Partners: Street Smarts