Passport Advisory Services

Cityfi provides general advisory services to Passport, which facilitates a city’s mobility and parking ecosystem through a single platform that helps cities centralize parking operations and management.

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As streets become more multimodal, competition for curbspace increases. Furthermore, parking management in cities is currently chaotic and uncoordinated, as various parts of the overall ecosystem such as parking, payments and enforcement are too siloed. Cities stand to greatly benefit from a centralized parking management mobility platform that streamlines processes and simplifies integration of different platforms.


Cityfi supports Passport in developing partnerships with cities who benefit from adopting its products and identifies strategic partners that the company can collaborate with. Cityfi also provides strategic direction, business modeling, and marketing support in engaging with cities around curbside management. Cityfi also conducts comprehensive research on marketplace and industry trends that affect Passport’s business development.

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Project Information

Client: Passport

Location: Nationwide