Virtual Warsaw

Cityfi advised the city of Warsaw, Poland on smart city strategy and implementation, specifically for its Virtual Warsaw initiative. The city of Warsaw created Virtual Warsaw, which transforms the city into a digital, smart city accessible to the blind and visually impaired. It uses thousands of IoT sensors to guide people who have trouble seeing around the city using their smartphones.

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Virtual Warsaw’s resounding success prompted the government to explore how to transform the existing project into a larger social innovation ecosystem for companies, startups and non-governmental organizations to contribute their ideas.

Overall, the city wanted to build an open environment for experiments in social innovation that would bring value for inhabitants in their everyday lives, and help them cope with the challenges of living in a metropolitan city.


Cityfi advised the city on a variety of topics including current trends in the innovation ecosystem, defining and building partnerships, citizen engagement, open data platforms, living labs for prototyping solutions, local economic development, organizational change management, and smart city ecosystem management.

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Project Information

Client: City of Warsaw

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Partners: The Keryx Group